Magic Chef MCUF3S2 3.0 cu. ft. Upright Freezer in Stainless Steel
The Magic Chef MCUF3S2 3.0 cu. ft. Upright Freezer Stainless Look is a fairly highly regarded freezer. Before you buy an item, it's a great thought to find out more. Here's some of the data which we've gathered that may be helpful to you. Want some more detailed information on this item? Click here.
This item is quite a popular choice for a freezer. The data that we have shows that it is more popular than many of freezers in the same category within our database. By looking at the user opinions, you can get a good set of opinions on the product before buying.
Comparison Table
Product: |
Editor Rating: | 4.8 out of 5 | 4.4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5 |
Features: | - Stainless Steel Look door / Black cabinet
- Manual Defrost
- Adjustable temperature thermostat control
- Reversible door
- Recessed door handle
| - Holds Approximately 125 lbs. of Frozen Food
- Adjustable thermostat control
- Easy-Access Defrost Drain
- "Power On" Indicator Light; Space-Saving Flat- Back Design
- Manual Defrost; Removable Basket
| |
Brand: | Magic Chef | Haier | Frigidaire |
Price: | New: $273.35 Used: Unknown As of Mar 15 2020 10:09PM PST (details) | New: Unknown Used: Unknown As of Mar 16 2020 11:19AM PST (details) | New: Unknown Used: Unknown As of Mar 16 2020 11:19AM PST (details) |
Color: | Stainless Look | White | |
Warranty: | 1 Year Parts and Labor, 5 Years Compressor (Part Only) | 1 Year Warranty (Parts and Labor) | |
Sales Rank: Lower means more popular | #35 | #3,850 | |
Magic Chef is a popular manufacturer of freezers. Our average rating for this brand is 5 out of 5. This is based on 2 total products. Compared to other brands, Magic Chef has a ranking of 1 out of 28. This brand are the creators of several other best selling freezers, like these:
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It's good choosing a product that's more well-known than most, mainly because this implies it's almost certainly of higher quality. Checking out various user's opinions is always necessary, so it's often recommended to get a more popular item. If the item you're buying has a huge level of sales then it is usually more likely to be worth obtaining.
The Magic Chef MCUF3S2 3.0 cu. ft. Upright Freezer Stainless Look is well reviewed amongst other people, and that is why it's very popular.